Contact Us



Artistic and general direction: France Choinière
Communications and publishing coordination: Jennifer Pham
Exhibition & special project coordination: Emma-Kate Guimond
Administrative and technical coordination, person in charge of the protection of personal information: Jeanne Robichaud
Proofreader and research assistant: Marie Saadeh
Technicians: Christine Boudreau, Joshua Jensen
Design: Studio TagTeam
Interns: Inès Marchand (fall 2024), Iñigo Lasheras Cobos (Winter 2025)


President: Omar Elhamy
Vice-President: Miryam Charles
Secretary-treasurer: Amélie Brault
Administrators: France Choinière, Karim Kattan
Advisory programming committee: Miryam Charles, Karim Kattan



(514) 845-0063

5455, de Gaspé avenue,
suite 109 (GF)
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2T 3B3

Offices 10 am - 5 pm
Tuesday to Friday 

Tuesday to Saturday: 12 pm - 5 pm

Free entry

5455, de Gaspé avenue has a wheelchair-accessible ramp on the North-west side of the building. Dazibao is located on the ground floor.