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Dayana Matasheva — /feels/ (epub)
This digital publication documents Dazibao's 2024 Instagram residency. From June 15 to August 15, artist Dayana Matasheva took over our account to develop her project /feels/.
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Bojan Fajfrić — Eagles, Army Headquarters, and Football Films (epub)
This digital publication documents Dazibao’s 2023 Instagram residency. From June 15 to August 15, artist Bojan Fajfrić took over our account to develop his project Eagles, Army Headquarters, and Football Films.
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Geneviève Chevalier
In this book, we take stock of the Mirement/Towering project as a whole and set out to explore the territories of thought underlying Geneviève Chevalier’s practice. The discursive framework established here situates her work within a developing theoretical horizon on contemporary art and philosophy of nature. The essays respond to each other via transversal concepts, as do the respective programs of the three organizations that have come together to support the project.
Artist: Geneviève Chevalier
Authors: Gentiane Bélanger, Mélanie Boucher, Alain Deneault, Stéphanie Posthumus & Heather Rogers
Co-published with Foreman Art Gallery of University Bishop’s and Galerie UQO
Santiago Tamayo Soler
This digital publication documents Dazibao's 2022 Instagram residency. From June 15 to August 15, artist Santiago Tamayo Soler took over our account to develop his project Neón.
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Art of Research
Art of Research is a publication and exhibition project bringing together the works of Stephanie Comilang, k.g. Guttman, Catherine Lescarbeau and Thérèse Mastroiacovo. The project originated with a desire to valorize those artistic practices based on research and experimentation, from the idea of resisting the reflex to cover up the reflexive portion, the artistic posture so essential to developing a creative project—an artwork. It is thus a question of bringing forth this muted behind-the-scenes, to cast light on those untilled moments, moments of sway, if not of tension, between the conceptualization of a project and its realization.
Artists: Stephanie Comilang, k.g. Guttman, Catherine Lescarbeau, Thérèse Mastroiacovo
Authors: Biba Bell, France Choinière, Mika Hannula, Laura Huertas Millán, Sarah Turcotte
Risa Hatayama
Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of The Elderly
This digital publication completes the project Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of The Elderly, by Risa Hatayama. It contains visual documentation of each of the project’s many stages, testifying to the care Hatamaya has taken at each step.
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Anna Hawkins
This digital publication documents Dazibao's 2021 Instagram Residency. From June 15 to August 15, artist Anna Hawkins took over our account to create a project that reflects on how language is used online, exploring the many possible associations around a given word.
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Dina Kelberman
A look back at Dina Kelberman’s residency on @dazibaomtl, with an interview with the artist.
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