Lines Drawn in Sand Become a Valley From February 6 to March 29, 2025


Further reading


Arma 3 and fake news


Past work 0-way mirror (2021). Body cam, ballistic gel.



“The comparison between drone operators and conventional video gamers is still an important one. Beyond the formal similarities of screens, controls, and virtualized objectives, there are deep structural and economic connections between the military and the entertainment industry.” (p 159)

Past work Machine Cinema: The making of Chain-link (2021-2022). Filmed inside Grand Theft Auto V, Chain-link is the story of Copy, a jaded clone, and Matisse, a sensitive art forger, as they escape from prison though under constant surveillance.


Documentary on the biases embedded into technology and by extension, the perpetuation of structures of power and oppression.

Virtual Vanishing Points features an image of Le Jeu de la Guerre, a game — or book, rather — first developed by French situationist Guy Debord and his collaborator Gérard Lebovici in 1965. While, apparently, Debord’s interest in such a game had to do with the practice of strategy, it should also be noted his most well-known theories had to do with the “society of the spectacle”: the replacement of real life with the representation of life.


“[...] so you want us to believe that this was a clean, minimalist war, with little collateral damage and few Allied casualties. Why stop there: war? What war?” (p. 7)

Reference reading by the artist

“‘Droning’ is a condition of being terrorized, a condition that impacts everything you do.”

Further reading


In Virtual vanishing points, the game pieces make Chladni Patterns. What are those?



Virtual Vanishing Points features the war board game Next War: Taiwan, which is part of a series of games depicting historically-based conflicts in different countries including the India-Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, and Poland. These games are described as very advanced; that is, they are about understanding and practicing modern warfare.


“Now is a time when the image is a literary device, whose verisimilitude hinges on belief rather than reality.”

Reading About archival photo embedded in As far as the drone can see. Image: Video still from As far as the drone can see (2023).


Artist reference

“It's a recurring effect of cinematic realism that audio is deeply manipulated to recreate a feeling of immersion. This provided a bit of a template for me, as I wanted to treat the virtual environment of ArmA as a real and deeply immersive place, but the audio needed to reflect how the barriers between the game and the real world were very thin.”
— Steven Cottingham

Further reading


Further reading



About artwork embedded in Magic Circles Ringed in Barbed Wire. Image: Video still from Magic Circles Ringed in Barbed Wire (2024).

Wikipedia link

What are the “archaeology awareness playing cards” seen in Magic Circles Ringed in Barbed Wire?
